ICK! EWW! Nasty *shudder* If, darling reader you are sure that I am the biggest freak you know. Please stop reading. Think of me running the School Bookfair, or doing some happy community service thing--like teaching ESL Mommies on North Campus or writing grants for the city pool. If you are one of the tens of peeps who really understand...continue on---
Okay squeamy people gone?? checking under desk to be sure Maddy's not still reading-- I found a movie on netflix. We (that would be myself and darling hubby--aka soul mate...he was giggling like a little kid in a candy shop) watched it last night. It was called Three Extremes. Three different directors, three riveting stories--adequate film making-- but OH MY GAWD!! They were the most repulsive nastytaboo riddenhorriblegross--I almost vomited-- nasty things I have ever seen. I want to remind you what I think is hilarious--really funny--Aquateen Hunger Force, Don Hertzfeldt, Bill Plympton, Beavis & Butthead, Ren and Stimpy, JackAss, South Park and so forth. I weaned myself on Stephen King and Titus Andronicus--but oh constant reader...
Just the the term "crunchy dumplings" is currently enough to make me wanna hurl. I haven't ever seen anything so culturally and morally wrong. These guys took every cultural taboo we have and spun them into terrifying and mind warping little tales. The human obsession with truth, beauty and love are carried to such horrific ends...incest, adultery, vanity, vampires, cannibals, music, truth, three (or four or five) kinds of murder. "stem cell research" hot sex scenes, film within a film--WOW.
I gotta go wash out my eyeballs.