Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ice+stoopid knee=owie

Yesterday, whilst walking through the woods with Steve (cool dad /ex neighbor from Izzy's school--NOT Xhusband) and his dog Zoe-- I thought I broke my ankle. He caught me before I actually fell on my ass. It was a rather ungainly side step into a frozen hole kinda thing. The little boney bump that sticks out the side of your leg? yeah that thing. It hurts a lot, especially when a certain doctorboy squeezes it, then like the sick monkey he is-- he follows the tendon up my calf (still squeezing mind you) and says "does this hurt?" Okay, let's think-- I am writhing in pain and trying to squirm away--saying Ow! and Fuck! loud enough to scare the Peanut, do ya suppose it hurts? hmm MAYBE. So he says to "ice it" (that's all he ever says..He never says "Oh poor baby-- we need to put you on a pillow and feed you bon bons and cafe mochas" humph
Like I would put up with that BS anyway... So I am supposed to stay off it today. I guess I better if I want to play at Andre's Burn's Night Party. feh...stoopid twisty ankle