Sunday, July 30, 2006
Midnight Carriage
I realize it is barely August. (Two more weeks till Lisa and the beach!) But right now I need to think about something else-- besides how cranky the mayoral election is making me. The morning papers were filled with nasty innuendo and mudslinging. I am not sure if it was "anonymous" Mark Maynard or the History prof MC who actually uttered it--but I liked the line about giving the candidates a round of applause for willingly stepping into this public mess. I can't imagine opening ones self up to such criticism. I am not that brave. I should be able to step back and say YAY! Look at all the involved people. But I just keep wondering why folks I know and love insist upon drinking the koolaid. SO--NEW TOPIC! I just wanted to point out that Punkin Day will be October 28. As always the first Saturday before Halloween. I am really looking forward to it this year as are the fam. I love scenting the entire neighborhood with wreaths of smokey dry rubbed beef... Mmmm... beef brisket (the one thing Texas does right is BBQ!) and deep fried turkey. KOLBASZ! (ooh I have work to do! CAROL!!!) Kassia said she would help too. I like the silly games...delish classics like ho-made applesauce and Mac&cheese. Man I love this gig--I want to feed my friends. It would make me happy. I wish peace upon my neighbors.