Friday, July 21, 2006
Milkweed Terrorist
I like milkweed. It is home and garden for Monarch butterflies. I let it grow wherever it falls. For three years I have been trying to get the mikweed in my end cap to make it to seed pod stage--mostly just to encourage the pretty bugs. Last year (admittedly I was PMS-y) I cried when *somebody* (I suspect anal neighbor lady) whacked it all down. This year I was just amused becasue I SAW the culprit-- a little old man with a horrible limp and some very big shears. We pulled up and there he was just finsihing decimating the chicokery and my precious milkweed. At the same time Zoli is molesting the poor mailbabe to get his gamefly delivery and in the process knocked all of Pete's Dr oriented junkmail to the ground. Thus preventing me from "thanking" the evil Col Sandersman for "weeding" my end cap. Regardless of who had the right to remove plantlife I now have this image of this little Col Sandersman roaming the neighborhood deciding which is acceptable plant life and what needs to be eradicated. Sad, but true.