I am glad that Stopid dawg doesn't have thumbs--she would try to pull the stunt that this Horny lil monkey tried.
I am fond of Bonobo monkeys; as is my sweetie--who, at lunch today pointed out the escape Miss DrillmebecauseI'mstressed Monkey attempted. My dog asks to go out pretty much every two hours because she hopes I will get up from the keyboard and play soccer or tug of war w/her. yyyyeaah. Bonobo Monkeys are cool because rather than bug the shit out of whatever human is in charge of feeding them--they relieve their stress by getting it on. I know this scintillating information not from a book or even a Animal Planet program-- but because several years ago a certain North Dakota-ian family and my family all went to the zoo together..and we SAW the mighty Bonobo Monkeys gettin it on. At first I was appalled--crazy little monkeys gettin jiggy with it... all over! EVERYWHERE just random couplings--they were on the jungle gym, on the floor , hanging from fake vines--crazy monkey orgy--but upon reflection (and giggling like a lunatic)-I had to admit--sex does seem like a pretty good stress reducer, maybe if a few more uptight humanoids swung from the monkey bars we would have less war?