I played "Barbie" with my daughter yesterday. (I didn't break out is a rash) Because she was blessed with a half day at school (or the staff just didn't want to deal with the little darlings over excited for Halloween (did I mention my kids were awake and in their costumes at 6:12 a.m?) I figured we could do something she wanted. So we went to lunch at Tim Horton's and played Barbie. I have philosophical issues with Blonde malibu Barbie from my childhood. I have drawn a very clear line at her freaky disproportionate dye job-- But peer pressure has Isabel owning six 12" fashion dolls. One is Mulan from Disney. One is a scuba diving red haired scientist from Shedd Aquarium, the rest are all brunettes from the Barbie Collection called "Myscene" which describes the temper tantrums at Toys R Us more than it does the dolls. These six girls have a large wardrobe that they share--but they seem to only have one pair of panties and I am pretty sure they stole them from Madeline.
Some things I observed yesterday.
Their chins are either "coy" or "curious dog" mode. There is no grad student reading homework pose.
Sadly, they cannot hold the bowl of chips they came packaged with.
Which is just as well really, much like a Tyrannosaurus Rex; they can't quite get their hands to their mouth. My doll eventually became so desperate to eat the chips she went in face first.
They seem to have no ankle bones.
or toes. If you hold just their feet--the gravity of their boobs pulls them over like Charlie Chaplin in a windstorm.
They do however have impossibly long eye lashes.
Their clothes won't stay on if they move.
They own a hummer that only holds them if they lay down.
Their skulls are soft and hollow.
They come w/sunglasses sewn to their heads. Now admittedly that does seem handy.
It was a pleasant enough hour. I perversely enjoyed putting my doll into situations where her fashions (ie. winter coats that a.) have no buttons or zip and b.) do not even close?? Yeah my doll got hypothermia on the ski trip) or physique (those feet PLEASE!) were so absurd we about peed our pants laughing. Tho Isabel did mention that her friends Lily and Chloe were "more fun". Eh--I think she got my point.