Last Saturday evening Rick and Tim came over just to get some quality time before they split for Yale & Lansing. We sat in the living room yapping and drinking Woodchuck and other green bottled beverages. They got to meet "the" bat. "A" bat? Whatever--it was almost amusing watching their various reactions. While Timmy of course took the scholarly mode and quickly started researching bats online. Pete and Rick both leapt into aggressive HUNTBAT mode with Bree (aka stoopiddawg) leading the way. I was happy to have *three big strong men* (read three inebriated twits) in the house allowing me to cower on the couch alternating laughing and ducking out of the way. Petey and Bree succeeded in showing their expertise. CAUGHT! We put her on a leash and all five of us released the Bat out in the streetlit intersection. Bree was sure we were nuts. Dogs obviously do not catch and release. The bat of course flew right into the crabapple tree.
Now last night, well actually 3:36 a.m., I hear A NEW noise. NOT chittering, NOT scratching on the wall beside my bed. Bree, new codename Batdog, is doing her "I am very interested in that thing in the air" dance. She is leaping up and down and snapping into the air. She knew exactly what to do. This was gonna get praise from *both* pinkies.
SCENE: darkened masterbedroom
ME: Hunny? (patting husband)
Pete: inaudible grunt
M: you awake?
P: Just go into the E.R. and have them take a look at you.
M. No. hunny, I hear something.
P: *%@$!
We both wait. Bree seems to have chilled out and we almost fall back to sleep then--the undeniable fluttering of batwings sweeping over my head
M: No hunny. It's a bat.
P: Son of a *&^%!
I hide under the covers. Pete armed with a pillowcase towelsnaps the flying bat. Nice shootin Tex! The bat drops to the ground like...well... like the dead bat it is. Bree pounces on it. They remove Bat to picnic table. Where it still is. Now the yogini in me is sadden at the death of any creature. BUT I have to consider some things. A.) If this Bat is the repeat offender. The batissue is solved. (Unlikely as the attic is prly FULL of bats. Don't they hibernate soon?) B.) How deep does one dig a bat grave? C.) Did this bat want to be cremated? D.) Who knew my husband had deadly towelsnap action!