Monday, August 07, 2006
kid torture
Had fun showing Ypsi off to Gwenyth and Ian yesterday. Arianna and Melisant were very patient as we waited at the Bomber and then toddled up and down W. Cross in Depot Town. We blew off the antiques and headed right for the sugar. Like anybody had room for candy after breakfast! We spent some time in Gordon's 5&10 store. My chilldwens refer to it as the pennycandy store because--well, that is what it is! One can go in and get a little bucket and then fill it with penny candy (Most of which Zoli can't have because of his braces but that doesn't seem to slow him down!). Ian was funny when he exclaimed.."They have buckets!" what was even more entertaining was the "lost child". A mom came in with two boys roughly 6 and 4. Why on earth you would bring a child in that store without letting them get SOMETHING?? I have no idea. It just seems cruel. She must have been on her "very busy" mission becasue she not only ignored the poor rugrats while she shopped (one of them seemed desperate to crawl *into* the ice cream chest) but she was ready to zoom back out after whatever she was searching for did not appear in three minutes. While she was searching for the mission statement one of her boys thought my backside was her backside and sort of followed me. Then I gently did the..No hunny--she's over there thing; and giggled with G about picking up extra kids. The accessory offspring did not really comprehend the whole multiple Moms thing and sent out the international child distress signal...plaintative bleating at regularly timed intervals....Mom? pause... mom? pause... mom? pause... mom?... mom Finally Harriedmom does the exasperated harumphing and herds the sugarless boys out of the store. She moved them out despite the constant Mom Mom Mom call and the elder child's clinging bodily to the ice cream chest.."PLLLEEEEASSSSE?? Just ONE? They're only fifty centssss." It was alternately hilarious, painful and sad. Poor kids.