I read. Quite a bit. I am happy to be toting around Otto Cartellieri's 1929 edition of THE COURT OF BURGUNDY right now. In fact I should prly be reading it instead of screwing around with this blogthing but..hey all work and no play makes Jack an axemurderer!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z11B9L2awVA
Later today (about 2ish) I will be releasing a paperback into the wild. I wonder if the person who finds it will log in. This particular book was purchased at Lisa's Border's in Baldwin NY. I read roughly 40% of it aloud to my husband and kids (eep!) on our drive home from Falling Water in PA. Tis a well travelled tome. I have released 27 books into the wild. Bookcrossing.com is a bookfreak's mecca. If it weren't for this lovely way to share I would prly be buried in trashy paperbacks and books I was sure if I read... were gonna save my life. (for example Parenting books or bios of famous people I admire. Bill Clinton really let me down on that one! What a piece o crap!)
Another way I like to share a good story is to give books as gifties. When we were at Border's I convinced Lisa to read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. *sigh* The first and most excellent of a series. We made the clerk dig into the hidden second layer on the "G" shelf to procure the store's only copy of this first volume. The shelf was of course "fronted" with eight or nine copies of her latest, Breath of Snow and Ashes and several copies of Lord John Gray's Private Matter. Which I still haven't got to. There was also a big hardcover of The Outlandish Companion which I haven't looked at because..well frankly I am afraid to indulge myself in the OC depths of another fandom.
JKRowling has pretty much absorbed my brain entirely (dear Severus I KNOW you are not pure evil). Yes, dear reader, it is my Sevvie I adore. The fictional character-- not Alan Rickman who is a fine actor when he is NOT voicing little roombas or trying to kill Mel Gibson (or Bruce Willis; whomever is the protagonist in the Die Hard films.) If I succumb to the pressure of the Ladies of Lallybroch www.lallybroch.com I am quite sure the bathroom will never be cleaned. dabook will never be finished (currently producing page 184--how many days till Solstice??) and the children will have to subsist on PB&J's and yogurt cups! Stoopiddawg will run away and I will just sit in my squishychair with a vodka tonic and a pile of dark chocolate and read myself into a stupor. I maybe unstable but at least I will be happy!