Sunday, August 27, 2006
Spartyboy back at school
Matthew and Rick are both ensconced in their new digs. Matt is on the terrace in Shaw Hall. Richard is a new home-owner and they are about five miles apart. So we rented a cute little u-haul and moved their sweaty butts out. After moving uncounted file cabinet drawers and purchasing $534.14 worth of books--- I really enjoyed the margarita at El Azteco. Once his stuff was in his room and he had his textbooks (and a new umbrella!) Matty blew us off completely. The 'rents were summarily DISMISSED. Got a sweaty hug and shooed away. We are all guessing he had a mysterious hottie lined up. He claimed he was heading into his third shower. That is about the only reason I can fathom he would blow off "real" food. The Enchiladas were of course abfab. We nailed two baskets of chips. The sopapillas are one of my favorite things on earth. If we didn't already have such fine Latin food available here in Ypsitucki; I would try and tempt the El Az people into setting up a store here. Eh--they are worth the hour drive. Especially with friends/fam at the other end.
BAT COUNT=4 wins 1 loss
I have declared war on the bats. It is a pathetic and feeble war but it is my war. I do not want to kill them. I just don't want them in my bedroom. Apparently we have a colony in the attic. The toddler bats are too stoopid to go out the way everybody else does. They get lost and fall down the inside of the wall and scratch around trying to get out. RIGHT BY MY BED! I have gotten so twitchy from lack of sleep and hyperawareness of periphial vision that I swear I am gonna need to visit Prince Valium.
BAT EVICTION: STEP ONE Last night we sat outside watching the eaves to see where the little insect suckers were exiting. Sat (okay, I did hog the hammock for a while) out there for an hour. NADA. It started to rain. On Saturday evening we had slept in Peanut's room (she stayed at Lily's) but she has a twin. Pete crashed in the Funky Monk room. No like sleeping alone.
Last night we slept up in Matt's room (he has a DBL mattress and he wasn't in it! No bats upstairs. Petey covered the downstairs cold air returns with newspaper and magazines and it seems so far-- that we are bat free. We can't caulk them out until Sept, so after Coronation we shall hire professional bat dudes to climb around and seal us up. Perhaps preventing this nightmare next year.