Today we bake. Lots of baking. Yesterday we shopped. It appears I have taken on some pronoun problems. I have been ALOOONE with too much sugar. This weekend is the cruise for Vermillion, South Dakota. Nearly as popular a vacation destination as Minot, NORTH Dakota. I have a princess to get crowned.
G is gonna be Queen! (Thank you Siggy) I don't know where I am sleeping or what I am wearing..but people will have tasty baked goods! Actually I think I will be in a tent, though whose tent I am not sure. So today's list of things to do, buy razors (I don't care if smooth legs aren't period I have tarantula legs and it's itchy. Buy more tupperware to transport said baked goods. Bake, 3 doz of each-- muffins, cookies, scones and tarts!!