It should be noted that I am well aware that not all bras are created equally. I am also sure that Vickie's Secret plans for the underwires to start to decompose roughly six months after purchase. The planned half life of lace. I do love VS despite their propensity for disintegration but last night at dance class it became very clear that I need to go bra shopping. My favorite bra while fine for daily work (snort--walking dogs and typing...whoo... 'work') failed miserably in its task of keeping the girls under control. So, imagine if you will true believer, a roughly one year old 38C dark lavender (with tasteful lace applique) Second Skin tm undergarment absolutely just failing. Limp is not a word one should use to describe dance wear. If this was Mythbusters. We woulda been busted! (Get it boobs=busted ha ha) It is a sad fact that sometimes..well the elastic just can't take it. My pretty purple bra died. sniff. It was about as effective as Elmer Fudd's hunting expeditions.
The bra made it through yoga. At that point I was only cursing the fact that I had not worn a T-shirt that would not droop into my face while upside down. One of the things about yoga is a lot of conscious breathing--so every forward bend and every downward facing dog I had a sweaty shirt tickling my nose or worse my whole face would manage to get inside the neckline and I would be looking down my own top. Despite my best attempts it was impossible to stay focused. I couldn't help but remember a different yoga class I was in at EMU-- wherein my famed amethyst pendant went directly into my nostril during a handstand. That lovely instructor just calmly said "Let me get that." and gently plucked the offending gem from my nostril. I was pleased that I didn't lose the pose and could laugh upside down.
Okay I should be honest-- last night was massive costume malfunctions all the way around. I have a lot of yoga pants that stretch and have flared legs. I like them. I have like three pair of black, two are "petite" one is not...guess which ones I pulled outta the dresser--yes the ones that would fit Gretchen and Fina--those with the lengthy legs. I realize too late that the fabric is "puddling" under my heels and I am going to be tugging on them all night. Then about 3/4 of the way through drills I glance in the mirror and realize that my purple glitter dance belt is riding on my hips really nicely...FRAMING MY JELLY BELLY. Not *hiding* it like it was at the beginning of class but accenting it, in a most unflattering fashion. I have read where professional dancers recommend safety pins to keep things where they are supposed to be--now I understand.