Dogs are creatures of habit. Jack Russell Terrorists are to quote my vet.."high energy", so if one combines the concept of high energy with ingrained habits you can begin to imagine my boob piercing morning. Zoli gets himself off to school about 7:15 am. However, Isabel doesn't need to leave for another hour and while she is capable of walking herself to school, it will get darker and colder and it is an fine excuse for me to get out of the flannel pants I slept in and move my sorry ass away from the 'puter. Every morning I walk her to school both little pupstars in tow. It is only about five blocks to school,but after the bell rings and I stand around shooting the shit with other parents; I walk the dogs through the cross country path and the 'hood till we hit 3 miles.
This morning we just were not moving fast enough for Bree (aka Stoopid dawg). Girlfriend need to WALK. She whined and begged and did everything but get my keys. This morning we got Isabel's backpack together and pulled on jackets and (insert dramatic pause) I touched the leash.
WAIT! Stop! I have to share. When we were out in South Dakota our favorite neighbor Gareth was house/dog sitting and apparently Bree decided to walk herself. Prior to this trip we had a very nice system to control the multitude of leashes. It was an antique iron coat hook. It was about four inches long and *was* solidly screwed into the stud. In a fit of lonely psychodog behavior she pulled on the dangling leashes so hard that she actually pulled the hook out of the wall.
Okay ,back to the blog entry at hand...
This morning Izzy and I are getting shoes tied and lunches packed up (Bree will gauge what is gonna happen by what clothes I put on. You should see her when Pete gets his running shoes!) I put a poop bag in my pocket and picked up the leather lead. That dog jumped so high that her back feet landed on top of my chest and she went over my head! Okay I am only five feet tall but still how anybody could be so happy at the mere suggestion that the walk was going to start is a little baffling. I mean she jumped over me! I don't get that excited about ANYTHING! I mean somebody do the math! If she is only 14 inches high at the shoulder, and I am five feet tall...wouldn't that be like me jumping onto the porch roof because I am happy???
The dog is nuts.