Both kids off to school. CHECK
Dogs walked. CHECK
Sweaty sleepiness showered away. CHECK
Dishes washed. CHECK
Sink shined. CHECK
Washing machine humming. CHECK
Koffee Klatch clutched. CHECK
Groceries NOT CHECK (something special for Petey's b-day) Shopping can wait until writers block kicks in which prly won't happen *fingers crossed* as yesterday I got two pages of Crazy Charlie down. Despite the Wonderpets squealing in the living room. The source I am working with (A French historian named Anne Denieul-Cormier) gave me an idea that maybe King Charles VI of France was just trying to process the fact that his wife was a Machiavellian biotech before Machiavelle even thought about being heartless. So farewell constant reader--I am offline to clear the last 16 pages of my 200 pages by Solistice goal.