Now that I have chased all the giant brown spiders from the mailbox, MAYBE my DVD will come? It was supposed to be here in August.
yeah, the spiders, I get back from walking the JRTs and we are happily stretching our calf muscles on the top step, you know that let your heels drop stretch that is so delicious--contemplating a huge glass of water and some sun salutations on the back deck-- when a scuttling in the top corner caught my eye. Holy Sweet Mother of Jesus! That is a big ass spider! The roof of my front porch has been infested with those creepy tunnel making spiders that have really thick webs in all four corners. I get one of Zoli's big sticks.
Why do boys do that? He has an extensive collection of long sticks tucked behind the boxwood hedge. They have a great play value as they double as light sabers, broadswords, fencing rapiers, whatever his little soul needs at that minute; at this minute...I needed a spider eradication device. I swiped the swathe of webbing from the mailbox. That was easy. There were no occupants and now the mail dude can bring my mail.
Then I poke at the back right corner. ACK--four of the nasty little boogers scurry around and two actually fight the stick. They grab on. They are so huge I expect the stick to snap. Their bodies are easily the size of a large golden raisin. EWWW--I smack the stick over the rail and they fall to the ground. Thump. thump. Then I bring the stick up to viewing range and SHIT! there is a huge one in attack mode. It is the size of a mouse and it is crawling down the stick at my arm. I whip the stick out into the grass. *SHUDDER* nasty eight legged crawly alien things. I remember that last night as we waved Rollo and Carol goodbye there was big spider on the porch. Just sitting there like he owned the place. We were all like..oh look! spiders eat mosquitos, good spider! feh! What fools we were. Shoulda stomped him! For it seems that like teenagers--one invited guest has turned into a frat party. I select another spider poker from Zoli's collection and poke at the other corners, dragging the long finger like tip all around the wooden roof and generally harassing every spider up there. I counted about 20 and several of them tried to gang up on me. Their fat little bodies and jointed fuzzy legs all hissy and tense. Several made audible thunks on the concrete porch and Bree of course ate several. I, cleverly recalling the tap dance days of my youth, kicked and scooted most of the uneaten arachnids off my porch.
Bree's recent frenzy with the bats and today's interesting encounter with the Canadian geese had her all hyped up and ready to kill. She hopped around the porch pouncing on the scurrying menace. Her ears were pricked forward in the same cute way she did when Pete tried to re-introduce the cats to the upstairs by putting the poor things in the travel crate in the middle of the room. *That* was a failed experiment. Poor kitty. (snicker)
Oh? The geese? yeah,ok-- as we came outta the woods behind Zoli's school we saw about 20 some Canadian geese all just standing there. I let Jarvis off leash and whispered "squirrel" which is, of course, his warcry. He crouched down (I am sure he imagines himself a mighty lion at this point) he crept to about 15 feet away from them when they finally realized they were being stalked. One flapped its wings, more of a stretch than anything threatening and they all honked and waddled around, kinda like musical geese. They didn't move so much as switch spots. Bree hearing the honks is now straining at the leash barking like the demon dog she is, pulling and lunging, she wants to get them! Jarvis is at about eight feet from the center of the flock, still in soldier under the barbed wire mode. Three of the larger birds (they are huge compared to Jarvis) start flapping and honking in earnest--this changes things a bit and Jarv tucks his tail and hustles back to me. He come around behind me and hides behind my ankles. Not exactly shaking but no longer the mighty hunter. I hook him back up and we leave the geese to their breakfast. Bree of course explaining that Jarvis and I are both cowardly fools an if we let HER off leash well there would be feathers a flyin.
So now that we are home and in a relatively small space (well compared to the geese/soccer field) the length of the leash is adequate to allow her some great fun chasing prey and JOY!! eating it. ick.