Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Today was a good day in lala land. I hit 300 pages. *applause*
Fixed a big bump in the chronology.
Wrote some nice sex.
Only two hundred more pages to go. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Discovered Office Max is cheaper than a ream of paper and two ink cartridges.Tho I am not going to get the RD printed till I actually hit 500 pages. WHINE ALERT: It is so hard to read on the screen tho--I'll be glad when I can take an old school pencil to it and actually edited the bits properly. I still have a lot of Froissart that is straight notes and my recent discovery/realization that four years of actual time existed and need to be condensed (like tomato soup or orange juice?) doesn't seem so bloody horrendous anymore. The wedding scene still doesn't exist because I swear if you start reading at the beginning of the MS you are still tweaking text four hours later--I haven't even started the wedding scene. I am lame.