Wednesday, January 10, 2007

She didn't mean to turn me on...

I have seen Halima dance. I have spoken with her and been mesmerized by her gorgeous eyes--but dude last night she made me wet...and soapy! WE LIKE FELTING!! OH YES! We like felting ALOT!! This is so much better than pottery! Now here is a thing I can do. I get it. It makes sense to me. As you can see in the corner of the group shot, the six pointed star is part of my clan's heraldic device;
the ingen Aeda cup and stars.
The workshop last night was so much fun. I was sad to miss Squirrel Squad, but this is soo cool! It is squishy! I am MUCH better tat this than I am at pottery. I also like having a new excuse to buy more wool. There is something so very satisfying about touching wool. Seeing the colors and imagining all the potential. This pouch (when complete) will be to hide my cell phone. I love the SCA.