Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tiny little adventure

I did something new today. I have a fridge magnet that reads "do something that scares you everyday". Well today's thing wasn't scary but it was a big jump outta my rut. I went to ...are you ready??? A NEW GROCERY STORE!!! ah! gasp! yes darlin reader--I went out to Saline to a place called "The Country Market". It was pretty boring. They seemed to have a lot of leftover "marked down" produce. That was odd. Their meat was okay. Not baad like Sheena's here in Ypsi--key-riist-- that place scares the bejesus outta me. Sometimes I swear that meat is green. OH! did I ever tell you about the first time I saw bleu cheese in Vassar? I was shopping with my Mom and we saw a saran wrapped hunk oh bleu cheese and she swore it moved. If she had a blog she could write about that. But she is too busy crawling around the internet graveyards searching for long lost relatives. Speaking of graveyards, There was thing in the Freep this morning about The Elmwood Historic Cemetery in Detroit, MI (it's alloneword.org) I love cemeteries. Lisa and I use to walk out to Highland here in Ypsilanti and have picnic lunch with the babyboys in their strollers.