Friday, January 26, 2007

Freakin Horse pills

God I hate taking drugs. I feel like a geezer. I should get one of those little plastic boxes with the SMTWTFS printed on the lids. I have a horrible gag reflex and despite years of ortho novum I still really hate taking pills. I can dry swallow the little peckers, but dude I am really wishing I could get the big ones--I dunno--chewable, yeah like friendly drugs. It is still like two months (oh crap-CRAP. i just looked at the calendar 2 months and two days--crap--how depressing) till I am officially 40.
As another obvious reminder of my aging-- I am supposed to take a handful of horsepills every morning but I am so bad at it.

Then when the weather doesn't co-operate and my knees get stuck. sigh.

Watched the crappy* movie "Stick It", back a bit-- but all it really did was point out quite glaringly that I am NOT a letter winning 89lb gymnast anymore. I am old and creaky and fat and I have to take these damn pills.
I don't like like it, nope not one little bit..
Somebody shoot me.

*that's my secret word for today CRAP --now everybody scream Pee Wee style)