Monday, October 30, 2006

wait five minutes

I am cursed. The more important a social event is to me, the more likely it is for the weather to be absolutely crappy. For example, Matt's HS grad party? The one where all my ex-in law's were coming for BBQ and cake? Yeah, rained all day, so we are running from the tent to the house with umbrellas. This past summer we had a beerfest fete and it was sooo hot we sat w/our feet in the kiddie pool and sipped drinks--nobody hardly moved from the shady swing.
Or how about this past weekend?
Punkin Day is supposed to be cold, thus the excuse for the bonfire and the "anti-freeze", but HIGH WIND ADVISORY with gusts up to 60mph?? The wind was so strong my pyromaniac husband ix-nayed the whole fire oil and booze combo. Sadly--We had to veto deep frying the turkey, Even Sunday it was still too windy. But now that the oven was empty--we just roasted his cajun spiced rubbed ass.Today it is clear calm and a sunny 65F. Tomorrow night when the kids are trick or treating and Izzy is Glenda the pink chiffon bomb? I predict snow.

freakin genius

This maybe the best idea I have ever had. Tho I did just think of a good costume idea-- a vampire bat--make a big walking paper mache baseball bat (you could use brown paper bags for color) suit right??--and have a face hole--and then have your face all Eddy Munster with vampire fangs! When we lived in Kazoo I was Alice in Wonderland--that was a great costume. Wigs are fun. Tomorrow I am going to have a wig--a Marie Antoinette wig--It is lovely--but I'm going as the famous cake pusher AFTER she gets her head chopped off. None of the fake wounds at Fantasy Attic were really swinging me around by the cajones. This little crafty project is what I just came up with.Elmer's glue and washable red tempera paint. Mixed it up and soaked a bit of finger braided wool, let is drip a bit and now it just has to dry--24 hrs better be enough!

Personal best

Kids talked me into a Scrabble game--yeah, like that is difficult. So we get all settled and Peanut opens with "Queen". Nice play. But then it is my turn and look...look...what the Scrabble gods gave me!! 170 pts!! Well, after taking a picture we all decided that the rest of the game was "just for fun".

Friday, October 27, 2006


I am trying to avoid peeling potatoes--Haven't quite recovered from the apples yesterday.
So I will babble at you folks--aren't you lucky? Be warned I am on my second pot of coffee.

Okay,I should have put the thermometer in a little rain poncho baggie thing. I had a battery operated digital therm on the cooler outside so I could be sure the meat stayed COLD. Now I am working with the meat and the therm. is no longer necessary-- but it got rained on-- and was having a little beepy moment--had to perform an emergency battery ectomy. I'm not really a doctor I just sleep with one.

I am not going to turn it down to MED till I see smoke. It has been an hour and the temp gauge is just moving. I think it is very funny that the temp gauge indicate that the outside weather should be 60F. Snort--it is drizzling and 42F.

I have two half is totally full of mac&cheese. If I put the prepared taters in the crock pot what should I put in the other half pan? Meat?? No they each get a pretty platter--the apples? too much apples--maybe the saurkraut & sausage?? arrgh-- can't make decisions--I shall rub the turkey with delicious seasonings. That is decisive--as soon as I get my hand under the turkey skin-- the tent boys will show up. I need a sous chef.

light'em if ya got'em

Two 7ish lb briskets are now officially smoking. They've been rubbed, aged and plugged in(?). I have always smoked my beef with the lovely charcoal smoker I was gifted (RIP...sorry Gretch his legs were broken-- we had to shoot him) with almost a decade ago. Today, for the first time-- I use my new electric smoker...soaked the wood chips, and turned it on...MUCH less fuss that trying to use the lump charcoal as the heat source. I just plugged it in. The little red arrow lit up. Drove Peanut to school because it is RAINING (of course if I am throwing a party it must be crappy weather) and left it on Medium which had no effect in 10 minutes so I jumped it up to high--wonder how long till we see a temp increase??

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Commercial Television

When I was a kid we had three channels at our house. NBC, ABC and CBS. Oh and PBS--but once you outgrew Sesame Street there wasn't much there. The commercials were spaced about every 15 minutes and allowed for things like getting more popcorn from the big bowl, which was close to Dad. Or maybe taking a quick whiz between cartoons. As I got older things like boys and homework took precedence over TV. Then came cable. NO commercials!! I clearly remember the whole idea of cable tv was we paid for it so it had NO COMMERCIALS!! The first "music television video" I remember was Tom Petty's Alice in Wonderland -- the one where he is eating a piece of her torso? Grossed me out.

DH and I joined the sheep like masses last night to satisfy our LOST addiction. We stared at the boobtube. Please note Constant Reader, that until last night I had watched a grand total of about 10 hours of non sports/cartoon/DVD related commercial TV in the last year. It should be noted also that Season One & Two of Lost were enjoyed en masse via boxed sets and marathon viewing. I was incensed! The IDIOTS. I was mortified. There was no regard for narrative thread. Suspension of disbelief is hard to maintain when I am being told to buy a toothbrush, a Lexus or a cheeseburger. Do the producers realize this is a cliff hanger? Are they aware that one needs to be able to concentrate on the plotline? Friends will know--I have ranted about station ID logos and crappy graphics (let's not forget the glo puck!) during my hockey games--the infiltrating little previews and stealth commercials that scroll tickertape style across the bottom of the ice. Usually when the puck is under the boards. But last night was a failed experiment. It's itunes from here out. yeah, we did DVR the epi while we were watching but ya still lose something important. One can accidently FFWD thru Jon Stewart, back up and still get the joke. But man-- jumping in and out of a story line makes me even more crazed than I usually appear. I hereby proclaim. I TV. I would rather pay itunes the buck ninety nine to just have quick fade to black breathes-- than get told to get an American Express card every 30 secs. I swear at one point a "batch" of commercials ended, there was about 45 seconds of program and then immediately..MORE COMMERCIALS! ABC can smell my stinky panties.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I am trying really hard to remember the first time I read Shakespeare's "Henry triad". (H4 pt 1 & 2 and HV) I loved Henry before the Branagh film. Not that some good cinema didn't feed the fire. (DO NOT get me started on that panty waist Olivier and his pastel tinted pile of poo. I believe I read the Triad for the first time--um-- probably be my sophomore (junior?) year in high school. I do recall that it was Tom Foster's College Seminar class at Vassar Public High School. I fell in love. My freak switch got flipped. I couldn't think of a more perfect alpha male than King Henry the Fifth of England. What a freakin rock star. I still get all doe-eyed when I think of him. "Normal" girls were drooling on Sean Cassidy or Andy Gibb. Nope not me. I was in love with a dead white guy. Clever, strong, funny, drinks a like a fish, ruthless...sigh... I began to study not only the play with frat boy Hal and some significant historical misinformation; but by the time I got my MA in British Literature some years later, I could easily tell the difference between poetic license and a license to kill. When the fictional HV sentences Falstaff or the real HV orders the French prisoners killed...well, it gets tougher but I still really admire HV. He has flaws, who doesn't? He didn't let the Channel stop him, pushing boundaries and then dying of dysentery.Yeah, what a waste. Can you begin to imagine what he could have done? How would the issues in the Middle East have been different if he had made it to the Holy Land? That was his plan ya know. Before he (the real HV) died. And then his git of a son died too. Today is St. Crispin Crispian's Day. Once more into the breach dear brothers, for those not here today shall count themselves lost. (get it LOST?? --oh hell. Just have a drink for my boy)

Happy Me!

I love my ipod. I love my Pottercast. Last night as I listened to John, Melissa and Sue I learned about (drumroll please) SNAPECAST.COM!! Ah AH AH! I am so geeked! A whole new realm of Snapey-poo.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

warm toes

These are the socks that Maddy made! She luvs me *warm glow*

Monday, October 23, 2006

RSC Costume Crawl

They have ACTUAL costumes at the A2 Pubic Liberry. Now running thru November 11. The speaker has this deep baritone and a Brit accent. Twas LOVELY. The whole thing was WONDERFUL. Kenneth Brannagh's kit from the '84 production of Henry V. I about melted right there. Good thing Zoli was bored stiff so he could hold me up! I was pleased to see how similar Brannagh's costume for the film version mirrored this gorgeous outfit. What was surprising to me was what I assumed would be embroidery (ie the Actual HV's heraldric device) was metal plaques, like thin copper or brass pierced and sewn on. Wow. The gloves were quite sexy. Even for stage silliness. Prof. Lockheart's hand was in there..SWOON.
I couldn't help but remember the first time I truly saw professional level costumes. It was like '82 or '83. School trip--on a backstage tour in Stratford Ontario--I got to see Iago's boots. They were so...real and I don't know ..butch. I kinda got a little damp. The mundanties weren't so moist as the time I saw Viggo Mortenson's jacket from the LoTR films. That was AMAZING. I almost cried. At least they had Viggo's coat behind glass so dweeb's like me wouldn't touch it.
The exhibit also included some costumes from the comedies--bleh whatever-- Falstaff's Merry Wives get up. It was all beat to shit and scruffy but still the dag work on the sleeves. quite impressive. Vivien Leigh's (aka Mrs. Olivier!) Lady Macbeth cotehardie from the early '50s, despite it's papier mache cuffs was verra nice, and despite the nasty little librarian trying to beat me up (I had to explain that I was taking pics because I had forgotten my camera on Friday--then she left me alone.) Apparently they have a "privacy policy", well considering that about 50 people were taking pics on Friday-- I explained that she needed to shush up. I was on a mission--that was Brannagh's sweat dammit! I was getting a picture--despite their crappy lighting! If you would like to see Falstaff and Mrs. Olivier's gown check out my photo album. If you live in the area and are at all into costumes I would recommend checking out this exhibit. There are also two more bits: at the Hatcher and the Power Center they have costume art (drawings, designs etc) that is pretty damn spiff too!

Oh sure--Like a JRT would sit still long enough to pose for art!

mrs. dalloway

rhymes with PUNKIN DAY!

Today begins the prep for the party. Pete ordered the keg. LaBatts! Today I shop. It is MEAT MONDAY! Kassia laughed at how empty the fridge was in prep for this event--It won't be empty this afternoon. I suppose technically Friday should be labeled "Meat Friday" as that is the day Normal Park Neighborhood become scented with the glorious smell emanating from my new ELECTRIC smoker!..ooooh. But I do like the alliteration of Meat Monday. The spice (Galena Street tm) rubbed beef brisket takes all day and I want it done for 6:30 dinner on Saturday-- so it gets cooked the day before. Actually, lots of stuff gets done ahead of time. Anybody wanna help peel potatoes?? The choc. chip punkin cheeesecake also needs to rest in the chillbox overnight -- that too gets prepped early. The only thing actually getting cooked on Saturday is the turkey and the applesauce. I love this party!

Squirrel Squad

In active rebellion against the herd-- a group of parents in the neighborhood have organized an anti-Corporate scout thing. We are calling it Squirrel Squad. All ages, all genders, non-violent social activities with craftiness and fun trips, and no fundraising, no paperwork, and a theme song! Yesterday afternoon was our first "normal" meeting--ie no administrative activities-- and it was a wonderful success. We met at the library to hear a concert by the local band The Ragbirds. We had a room full of kidlets! It was great (okay Zoli and Evan did get a tad bit "attitude-y" so they went off to read comics. Andre took a great picture of their enthusiasm. I don't know if he posted it yet but check him out anyway, always guaranteed to be "interesting". After the rocking concert (Pete bought their live CD) we "filked" our theme song. Gerry and Kif were awesome! They both had created new lyrics for the old cartoon Secret Squirrel and with lots of input from the kids we collaboratively came up with a song! So now the kids have earned their "Indy music" badge. YAY!! Next month we are gonna go to Calder's farm and pet the cows!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Nice little homage

Charlie (pronounced "Chollie") if you are into hot Aussie babes--is a fictional character on a TV show. Which I promise to stop writing about after this post. (crossing fingers behind back) Charlie is played by Dominic Monaghan, yes--Pippin from LOTR. In that film series his character is captured and taken away. He drops a leaf shaped broach as indicator of his whereabouts to his friends who are tracking him...Strider...*wistfulsigh* Shaking head to focus thoughts--Now on the episode we watched last night... Charlie drops a bit of tape. It gets partially trampled into the ground...just like a certain elf made broach. Nice touch. I told ya this was well written!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's a LOST Cause

Tonight the second epi of season 3 starts. But I have to DVR it because A.) Gotta go in order & B.) I am normally morally opposed to network TV (esp Fox). But because my EVIL friends (Rollo and Carol) convinced me to watch the pilot I am now doomed. Last Friday, I innocently sat down with a big bowl of Quisp (tm) cereal and told myself I would watch it till the cereal was gone. Then I would get up and work on dabook (206 pgs if you are wondering)...yeah well the idea had to get revamped on the fly. I sat there and watched the whole disk-- all 2 hrs and 44 minutes. Went out to their apartment Saturday (under the false guise of a Playdate! mmm bwa ha ha!) and begged to borrow their Season One boxed set. That is done. Petey bought us the Second Season for our very own and tonight we watch Disc 2. It was prly mean of me to watch the first season w/out him but honestly it was that or chew on myself.

This is TV that is as good as Seinfeld, almost as good as MASH and as much fun as Twin Peaks. Trust me. Get these DVD in sets of two or three discs-- if you can't get boxed sets. Don't try one at a time-- unless you have the willpower of a freakin saint. Which I don't!
Halloween etymology:
The mass held on All Saint's Day was called Allhallowmas, and the eve was known as All Hallow Even, then
All Hallow's Eve~> Hallowe'een ~> Halloween

Monday, October 16, 2006

AHOY Cap'n!

I was an almost innocent bystander when, in the midst of the first cup 'o java--Well-- Lookee what I found in the Freep this morning!! Pirate Page
Oh the joy of nailing someone's innards to the mast and dancing with yer parrot! NOT THE RUM!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

specific gravity

Okay, I confess-- we may have gotten a tiny bit carried away last night. Pete and Rollo got the mead out of the closet and then stuffed it right back in again! We got to playing w/the hydrokerplop-o-later. They tested the new mead and it had a reading of 1.127 compared to a bottle of Rollo's finished yum yum good mead which had 1.106. well as long as we had the toys we may as well play right/ So we tested some other types of liquid we just happened to have on hand. Red wine=.995 w/ an alcohol content of 15%. My beloved woodchuck pear cider was 1.024 on the specific gravitas w/ just 4% booze level. The Johnny Walker Red that Chris left behind proclaimed 40% booze and read lower than the thingy would measure, as did the ginger vodka (see footnote) The schnapps had 27% alcohol and hydrokerplopolation of 1.052. Rollo claims pure ethanol is .79. Despite our rather strong but delish! ice cream and baileys blender drinks (see 2nd footnote) Carol and I did our best to clean up the test subjects!

1. Trex do not panic. The Thor's hammer was unharmed in the ginger vodka experiments. Just clinging to the groovy bottle cuz It reminds me of *you* ~eyelash flutter~ BTW the results of the early (pre blog mind you!) spring ginger extravaganza??..tastes like soap.
2. Yummy drink recipe: 2 c. frozen vanilla yogurt, 1&1/2 c. Bailey's Irish Cream, 2 c. Calder's Chocolate milk. Whir in blender. Add straw. giggle madly.

cartoon letdown

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Adult Swim/ New Crush

Good morning darling readers-- the bad news is that it appears that the insomnia is back. I fail to see how a cup of black tea chai at 4:30 in the afternoon will keep me up all night?!? Especially, because I have the java IV hooked up as I type. The good news is: I Have found a kick ass "new" show. Samurai Champloo. For those of you not familiar with the Cartoon Network--during the bar hours there is a block they call ADULT SWIM. It is all profane, perverse, obscene and basically naughty cartoons and anime. Brilliant! Boondocks runs there. But that would be a blogdigression. For you see freaky darling--I am in love. I am having a fanatasy affair with a cartoon character--how pathetic (move over Snape...wait a little 3-way might be nice*). This show is from the Cowboy Bebop guy--nice creds--This drool worthy character is named JIN
He kinda looks like an idealized Pete!--If Pete were a rogue samurai. ;)
Emendment to base problem. It appears that I am about three or four years behind the times. So, despite having only seen the first three epi's in reruns...I am now addicted to a series that fills nine discs! Thank god for Netflix! And this person--who seems to be a much bigger geek than me.

It is always reassuring that there is someone "more" than oneself.

Cartoons aren't the only thing I get to late. Again, praises to the Viking gods for DVR! Mmmhmm--gotta git me some Daily Show & Colbert. Did you see the Colbert where Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinham make an apple pie?? Ice cream 3-way!! His wry little smile is adorable!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good dog

This is Emery. He was a good dog. When it was cold he would lay under the desk (while I graded papers or shot things in DOOM &/or Diablo) and I would put my feet on him. He was like my very own heated furry Ottoman. I miss him. Look how little Jarvis is!

28 more days

In November the Royal Shakespeare Company comes to the University of Michigan. We will get to see three plays, one of which is the first play I ever read.

I was in the library during my eighth grade year at Vassar. I was sick of the paperback drivel in the fiction section. Some kind of Sweet Valley High pabulum. I casually wandered back into the quiet stacks, away from the giggling cheerleaders flirting with the football players, away from the Science geeks and their chattering groupies (who were actually the closest thing I had to a social group...GAWD! I hated High School.) I meandered down the rows of non-fiction hardcovers to the one shelf that all the bindings matched. They were cloth bound. They had a comforting heft, these solid little books. Not quite the same feel as the worn and scrawny paperbacks. This shelf held a very attractive mystery. It was a complete edition of all of Shakespeare's works. I scanned the titles--what's a "Lear"? How can a king be a jet? I asked myself. "Hamlet"? Is that like an "omlette"? I picked up Antony and Cleopatra Hey! My mom just watched a movie with Elizabeth Taylor in it about this. Cool dress. And there was kissing. I'm all good with the kissing. Ah...the sweet innocence--little did I know what an obsession was about to start.

20 some Years later at a dusty antique shop in Depot Town,I saw on the floor, a misshapen and abused cardboard carton (I think it was a bananna box) stuffed with a very similar edition to the one that the VHS library housed.It was like seeing an old teddy bear, the same as the one you had as a child. Cloth bound and the right size. Each volume was about 1/2 inch thick and about 5X7. I asked the shop proprietor of the collection was complete? He claimed it was and to my delight my husband insisted we buy it. The copyright date was Oxford, 1923. That set of books is one of my prize belongings.
Hi. I am Day. I collect Antique books.

first editions
dusty musty faded ink,
old brittle pages
leather and gilt edged
marbleized endpapers,

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Honey Do List

Or what is spinning on the hamster wheel of my brain...

I have to get the rest of the invites mailed/delivered.
Warn noobies that it is not a costume party!
Buy a truckload of pumpkins
I need to get a new edge on the Wusthoff.
I should gut the Funky Monk room so there is G&K crash space.
Wood chips for the path.
Hay bales for seating
Woodchips for the smoker.
Procure Turkey Fryer of my very own.*beam*
Tables from storage.
Bikes in storage.
MAKE SAUSAGE (mebbe Sunday?)
clean house..boooo. One would think that spider webs au natural would be a bonus for a Halloween party!
NEXT TRACK: Actual Halloween!! (on the skipping CD player that is my thought process)
~start buying candy by the 2 lb bag size, perhaps Target is in my near future
~get Marie Antoinette gown from dry cleaners before they sell it to someone else for a $1
~get a wig for Marie Antoinette
~get a fake bloody scar for Marie Antoinette's throat
~Make a Glenda the good witch crown and sparklize the stick for her wand

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

HBP: The Snaper is Written

I'm rather excited. Andre just kinda stared at me blankly yesterday. Hey he ASKED! There is a conference in New Orleans this spring called Phoenix Rises, I may have rambled on about it already, the Harry Potter one? Well I submitted an abstract. They got it and were supportive, they said to wait until December. I can do that. As a little break from Henry and Miranda (aka dabook) I whipped out the first draft. I am pleased.
I like it. I will of course tweak it IF it gets accepted but I am content with it for now. The Allegiance of the Occlumens All signifiers and eye contact..LOVE IT. This is equally as lovely as a pint of Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch. Seriously--that good. very satisfying.

Monday, October 09, 2006

too slow tomato

Okay, The tomato bushes need to STOP. Had a lovely bounty at the appropriate time, but now these crazed shrubberies won't stop! Two batches of post season fried green and now because of the slowest batch of 'maters I have ever growed-- for the first time ever...pickled 'maters. My Grandpa Spark pickles veggies, I didn't have his recipe. I used one I found online called (are you ready?) Hot Fish House Pickles. Betcha $5 Pete eats them before Punkin Day!

$1.37 Pashmina shawl

Dude-- I think I out thrifted both Matt and Brooke. In an effort to keep the kids out of the studying doctor's hair we went out and about Saturday afternoon. Went out to Rider's Hobby Shoppee to get Gregor's b-day dice. Then whilst zipping around Ypsi in my "Highly Recognizable" VW bug... We got shut out of the post office ): Missed closing time by an hour. feh. Had to go to Mailboxes etc but got the gift mailed!! (whew) We dumped off Janet Evanovich at the liberry--we journeyed to the Co-op to get milk.

And lo and behold there wasn't anyplace to park said HR vehicle at the Ypsi People's Food Co-op.

Why freaky darlings may ask, Wasn't there a place to park at the Co-op? BECAUSE the overflow lot was filled with people selling shit outta their trunks. Look here to see my fave superhero---GO Mark GO! I am gonna write you in next month!

YAY!! a Rummage sale!! Wooo HOOO! Then we saw Evan and Luka so the kids cruised the sale while I ducked into the Co-op to get milk. After feeding meters-- I had just enough cash on me to procure a half gallon of discounted 2%. That left me with $1.37. How am I supposed to go to a rummage sale with $1.37?? Well whatever, the kids were on a mission to get to Gordon's candy Store and spend their allowance. We just hustled through the sale without really looking at anything..It was very hard..extremely cool shit, examples?? a kayak! a stoneware pitcher, spiky red zebra heels! (yeah they fit) and (insert drum roll) a real pashmina shawl. Now, ya'll know-- I have wanted one of those damn things for about three years, the only thing I want more than a pashmina shawl is to try blueberry Stoli. And Monty Python's animated Grail, sunlight illuminating it--was a beeutiful pale lavender wrap.
I fondled it. silky and smooth.
I figured she wanted at least $5.
This was karma. I needed this shawl.
I asked her male assistant (whom I hoped wouldn't know pashmina if it came up and bit him) "Combien de?" He obviously understood my brilliantly articulated French and asked the girlie running the trunksale and she said $3. She walked closer to me--I decide to play stoopid. I opened my palm and said..." I have a sweaty dollar and .37 cents". "SOLD!" EEEP! I finally met a goal! *bounce* I achieved Pashmina! Well,it wasn't a Juicy bag but now I could be fashionable! I wore it all day Sunday.
Yay me!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Woe is me

The diff I think, between a professional writer and my current state of affairs is that: a.) they get paid ( I used to...) and b.) they get things done in a timely manner. For example, I am currently reading a marvelous book called The Shakespeare Wars, written by a gent named Ron Rosenbaum. It is reviewed in today's NYTimes Book Review. That means that (Mr. Perfect) Walter Kirn has already finished reading the book and then (I assume re-reading while taking notes--then generated a draft and then shipped it to his editor and then rewrote the draft and got the puppy into the freaking NYTIMES. Not only did they accept it and print it, but he has prly already spent the money on skinny lattes and bagels-- meanwhile...I am on page 196 of 573! I haven't even finished reading it. Okay I did waste a lot of time walking the dog, doing laundry and grocery shopping--but how do people do this?? Really?? where and when do they find the time? My kids have decided I am "cranky" and I haven't even finished a MS in two years. Gack. I am depressed. A certain "gazelle-like" Prof. I know just admitted he isn't holding up his end of a co-authored book he is working on. (--and he presented part of it at the WMU Medieval Studies Conference last year!) sigh...mebbe more coffee?? less blogging?? Less Janet Evanovich?? What? How do I do this?? *huge sigh*

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Beowulf and Grendel or MST 500K

About all I can really say is thank Wodin it was free! My advice is to rent the DVD. Prepare to giggle. It may have been the running wise cracks from the audience (Marty Shictman Theatre 500ad!) but there was little suspension of disbelief. Probably due to the ponies and Selma the hottie seer (who to quote the woodchuck/gopher thing from the Disney Winnie the Pooh cartoons..."I'm not in the book".)
I think the best way to critique this is a list of the good things about this movie.
1. Charlotte came out to play!
2. Garth and Kassia were here!
3. His Grace Elihau is rapidly becoming my favorite movie shredder upper!
4. Arianna called Sanjay on her phone (I didn't have mine)!
5. I got the first pint of the last keg of Oberon at Sidetrack. Again the seasonal change rears it ugly head.

Now to ensure balance we must discuss the negatives.
1. Biggest problem was Grendel cutting his own arm off while he hung inside the hall.
2. Okay maybe the witch was a problem.
3. Fantasy garb on the queen. Elizabethen? Byzantine? Padme? What was she wearing? ack
4. They cut her awesome speech when she thanks Beowulf for being a "man"
5. NO DRAGON!!! dragon... ):

bleh--silly movie-- at least there weren't any puffer fish envenomed blades! (See Tristan and Isolde)

YHS Homecomeing'06

The parade marches right by our house. It really is one of my favorite things about living in Normal Park. We are the practice route for three different marching bands. EMU will go through and collect coins as they serenade the neighborhood, West Middle School always marches by when they practice for the various holiday parades. But the best is homecoming! The Ypsilanti High School Marching Band is preceded by a cop car. The four floats come after the cheerleaders. And the homecoming court sit in convertibles and wave. This year we were sad because "Casual Friday" has apparently taken over the world. There were no Fab gowns or tiaras, just jeans and too much eyeliner--sad.

This year we tried something new. We gathered all the sharpies in the house together and grabbed some printer paper and scored the floats as they went by. Olympic style judging for decidedly NOT olympic quality floats. Whatever happened to the pride that existed when I was in HS? Man-- we were cutthroat with our twisted paper napkins and chicken wire creations. My junior year our theme was "Junk Food" and my class (led by yours truly) created a huge lever that was an arm wearing Vassar's orange and back football jersey sleeve and dipping a purple (Caro--the enemy's colors) Nacho chip into the dip. Our banners read "Hey Caro! Winning's NACHO style! It was awesome. We won. It was a hoot.

Each class is (frosh, sophomores etc) is expected to design and create a float to enter in the traditional competition. We usually have a hell of a time just identifying the "theme" this year we thought it was video games. The lamest (I scored it a -2) this year was a poorly painted illegible banner in the back of a pick up truck. I guess it just isn't cool if you can't text message it. But our judging was fun. The kids loved it. The marching float constructors loved it. Very silly. we will definitely do it again next year!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wombats are in!

Not that anybody should be surprised but-- I got Exceeds Expectations!!--

For once they got it right--

My toes are cold. It was 36F this morning. It is only two degrees warmer right now. We are under a frost advisory until 9 a.m.
Please freaky darlings, note I am NOT whining--just stating a fact. I am not in Fargo. I know it gets colder in MN. It maybe time to find the LGD sweaters. Actually I should prly make them some new ones. Oh hurray! a new project. Mebbe AFTER Punkin Day I will knit doggie sweaters.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Duct tape to the rescue

Crumbling cathedral held together by tape

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
(Filed: 04/10/2006)

Canterbury Cathedral is falling apart at the seams, with chunks of masonry dropping off its walls and a fifth of its internal marble pillars held together by duct tape.

An art student paints in the cloisters, but trustees say parts of
the building may have to be closed to visitors for safety reasons

The extent of the building's disrepair was revealed yesterday at the launch of a global campaign to raise £50 million over five years for urgent and long-term renovation and conservation.

The cathedral, the mother church of worldwide Anglicanism which was founded in 597 by St Augustine, was the scene of the murder of Thomas Becket in 1170 and has survived extensive bombing of the city during the Second World War.

But Allan Willett, the chairman of the trustees, says it is now facing its biggest challenge — serious corrosion and pollution.

"Despite its 900 turbulent years, it is the next few years that represent this cathedral's time of greatest danger," he said.

The picture postcard image of the cathedral belied its true state, he added, and if nothing was done, parts of it might soon have to be closed to visitors for safety reasons.

John Burton, the surveyor of the fabric, said that the stonework was now deteriorating too fast for the cathedral's regular maintenance and conservation programme, which cost £1 million annually, to keep up.

The cathedral was at a "critical point in history" and if action was not taken "deterioration will turn into dereliction", he said.

"We don't like to admit that we have had to tie bits of the columns together because we are proud of the building, but we do," he said.

Masons had to "sweep" the exterior walls to remove chunks of wall that were threatening to fall off, and pieces of stone had become dislodged from the towers and fallen on to the roof, he added.

Pollution takes its toll on the 500-year-old carvings and statues
Heather Newton, the head of stone conservation, said that 20 per cent of the hundreds of 12th century Purbeck marble pillars that line the interior walls of the cathedral were bound with tape to prevent them crumbling. She added that a number of crockets, the decorative ends of the pinnacles on some of the towers, had been blown off in storms.

The first priority for the cathedral will be the huge task of tackling the roof, where the support beams are beginning to rot and the lead has become so thin that rain is leaking through a growing number of holes.

An estimated £2 million is needed for the West Tower for urgent work on the buttresses to prevent falling masonry, and a further £5 million for the Bell Harry Tower, where 500-year-old carvings are wearing away.

The re-leading of the nave roof and repairs to the stonework around the clerestory windows and tracery will require £6.5 million worth of work, while an additional £3 million is earmarked for the quire, presbytery and Trinity Chapel.

Another £8 million will be spent on the archives and library, the medieval stained glass, including the 12th century oculus window, and other work.

The authorities also want to secure the cathedral's music and enhance its visitor facilities.

The cathedral hopes that it can appeal to Anglicans and wealthy benefactors worldwide, and is to open offices in North America and Asia.

The dean, the Very Rev Robert Willis, said that all avenues of fundraising would be considered, though suggestions that the cathedral could sell the Archbishop of Canterbury's house or collaborate with wealthy Muslims might not best serve the local community.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I own this book.I love Seamus Heaney. I love this poem. It was a no brainer to get it when it came out SIX years ago! I read it. It was good. I put it on the shelf--the one in the dining room. Somebody touched my stuff! I can't find this book. I found Gardner's Grendel. I am getting a little cranky. There are too many people in this house and they all keep touching my stuff. Maybe I should look in Zoli's room-- the chainmail on the cover may have drawn him in. Did I lend to someone? Doesn't anybody understand that when I put something down I expect to NOT move? Look-- I have a movie to contrast with the text. That is what I do. It makes me happy.Come Friday night HOW am I supposed to b&w about the crappy job the screenwriter and Ms. Gunnerson have done if I can't cite the text? I have a rep to uphold here. People are gonna look at me and say--Hey aren't you the litgeek? How did Heaney address the topic of the Grendel's dam?
Honestly, I think Louise Erdrich has this "leave me alone" thing all figured out. She had a separate house down the street from where her kids were. She went there to write. A room of my own (sorry VW) so speak...with big bookshelves and a coffee pot.

Check out Brooke!

I need to get more friends who AREN'T TALENTED! That Nessie plush toy is the whip! Look out Shadow Art Fair2--here comes my girl!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Free the Kent Street Four!!!

Hens' fate awaits as officials review ordinance
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
By Morgan Jarema
The Grand Rapids Press

LOWELL -- The fate of four hens who have roosted on residential-zoned property has been put on hold while city officials review the ordinance.

Council members, acting as the Zoning Board of Appeals, on Monday tabled for 90 days a request from Brian McLane that he be allowed to continue to house the hens at 420 Kent St. on the city's east side.

The McLane's request for a variance was denied, but ZBA is asking the Planning Commission to review the ordinance.

Current rules allow fowl, rabbits or similar animals to be raised or kept for the owner's use on lots of at least a half-acre, provided the structure that contains the animals is not less than 50 feet from adjoining residential lot lines or uses.

There is no limit on the number of those types of animals.

"I can see we could get into big trouble with" no limit, council member C. Jeanne Shores said.

The McLane's L-shaped, two-lot property is just under a half-acre. To keep the coop as far from any homes as possible, it was placed next to a vacant commercial lot.

Lori McLane said she and her husband looked into the ordinance before they bought the hens. They thought they were close enough to the ordinance that it wouldn't be a problem, she said, and they talked to several of their neighbors first.

One neighbor wrote a letter to the council that read in part: "It's great for kids to have pets, but farm animals belong in the country."

Doug Tackmann, the McLane's next-door neighbor, disagreed.

"If anybody's affected by this, it's me and my kids," he said.

"We're having a ball with" the chickens.

The McLanes' hens will be allowed to remain on their property while the Planning Commission decides whether the ordinance should be amended.


IF I were a Wiccan, I would be so put out. OK, I am guess I am put out. I find myself indignant at the proliferation of "cute" (read annoyingly saccharin) stereotypes and misrepresentations of witches. My mom is Wiccan, my baby sister Kat is. I think, my other sister Amy is too, but we hardly talk anymore. Two of my dearest friends are Wiccan. Several drinking buddies are Wiccan. Of all the organized religions it makes the most sense to me.

I personally am not into the whole group worship thing. I understand the security of a social group (my gran LOVES her church) and I am envious of people who have that security blanket. But dude, if our culture can understand that black face is offensive, that Native American Indian tribes should not be equated with animals and used as sports team mascots, if we can give women the right to vote, can we please for a moment..consider the insult those happy crappy little cartoon witches represent? I LOVE HALLOWEEN. Everybody who knows me is aware of that. But you will NEVER see a wart nosed green faced hag holding a dish of candy corn in my house. A little respect here. I mean what if I made a "cute" little Christian priest and had him holding a bowl of Testamints??

Now THAT would be so adorable! Right on my lawn. Next to the IMPEACH BUSH sign.

Monday, October 02, 2006

the perfect lunch

Why does riding in a car for a long time make you tired? You aren't really really doing anything, just sitting there. Maybe singing or humming, maybe knitting...but it's not like you are splitting wood or running. WHY does writing make me hungry? The better writing I have going the more I am sure I am gonna die if I don't get a cheeseburger and fries.

Today for lunch (seriously good writing done four pages of Snape!) I scrambled an egg into some leftover broccoli with butter and Foxpoint (tm). Then I dumped it onto a golden brown whole wheat English muffin. IT WAS SO GOOD. I would make another except there isn't anymore broccoli. I like broccoli. It maybe the perfect food.

Snatched Shakespeare

Shakespeare's global

A Scotsman, the Home Secretary John Reid, has proposed turning St George's Day into "Shakespeare Day". An Englishwoman, the Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, has suggested it be turned into "an English version of Scotland's Burns night".

St George's Day falls on April 23, which is certainly the date of Shakespeare's death, and probably that of his birth. But though Shakespeare's poetry was expressed in English, and rooted in England's culture, his vision is universal and cannot be identified with any single country.

Readers from Mongolia to Chile recognise his characters, from his portrait of a man's descent into psychopathic hatred (in the Scotsman Macbeth), to the glorious depiction of passionate love (encapsulated in the Italian Juliet).

We zealously endorse the idea of a celebration of humanity's greatest poet. But he belongs to all mankind, not just to the English.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I "mead" to learn how to do this!

MMMM. Rollo makes the best mead. NO HANGOVER! As my liver (and GI tract) ages I have become very susceptible to "impurities" in my booze. Sad but true. For example I love the BlondeBliss at The Corner Brewery here in Ypsilanti. The flavor is preferable to Oberon...really. But if I have more than say-- two or three pints...well let's just say it is a good thing I like to do research in the library.
For the last two or three years Rollo (Matt the Nalbinder) has been bribing me, taunting me and basically doling his meade out like crack. "First hit is free" as they say, but then he expects me to learn how to make it myself! Damn SCA people always trying to teach me shit. Just gimme the booze! (BIG grin!) Well as we began this new lesson I discovered there is lots of hydrokepoplating and scientific measuring and specific gravities-- stuff that is NOT conducive to my left brain ways. I handed this one off to Pete. He seems to be doing pretty good with the sausage. The boys let me smash up the spice stuff; that was fun. We used fresh ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. Here's what it looked like after I was finished hammering the nutmeg to death. Again we need smello-vision. We boiled water and honey and ate olives and salami. Then we waited and waited and waited, we made kafta pita sandwiches and waited some more. We watched What's eating Gilbert Grape? and waited some more, Not a really exciting process this vinting thing...we need the hotwort to cool to between 70F and 80F. This morning it was only 79. So when Petey gets back from his doctor class this morning he can add the yeast. Special test tube yeast...oohh

Stay tuned for updates on the meading.