Tuesday, October 03, 2006


IF I were a Wiccan, I would be so put out. OK, I am guess I am put out. I find myself indignant at the proliferation of "cute" (read annoyingly saccharin) stereotypes and misrepresentations of witches. My mom is Wiccan, my baby sister Kat is. I think, my other sister Amy is too, but we hardly talk anymore. Two of my dearest friends are Wiccan. Several drinking buddies are Wiccan. Of all the organized religions it makes the most sense to me.

I personally am not into the whole group worship thing. I understand the security of a social group (my gran LOVES her church) and I am envious of people who have that security blanket. But dude, if our culture can understand that black face is offensive, that Native American Indian tribes should not be equated with animals and used as sports team mascots, if we can give women the right to vote, can we please for a moment..consider the insult those happy crappy little cartoon witches represent? I LOVE HALLOWEEN. Everybody who knows me is aware of that. But you will NEVER see a wart nosed green faced hag holding a dish of candy corn in my house. A little respect here. I mean what if I made a "cute" little Christian priest and had him holding a bowl of Testamints??


Now THAT would be so adorable! Right on my lawn. Next to the IMPEACH BUSH sign.