Monday, October 30, 2006

freakin genius

This maybe the best idea I have ever had. Tho I did just think of a good costume idea-- a vampire bat--make a big walking paper mache baseball bat (you could use brown paper bags for color) suit right??--and have a face hole--and then have your face all Eddy Munster with vampire fangs! When we lived in Kazoo I was Alice in Wonderland--that was a great costume. Wigs are fun. Tomorrow I am going to have a wig--a Marie Antoinette wig--It is lovely--but I'm going as the famous cake pusher AFTER she gets her head chopped off. None of the fake wounds at Fantasy Attic were really swinging me around by the cajones. This little crafty project is what I just came up with.Elmer's glue and washable red tempera paint. Mixed it up and soaked a bit of finger braided wool, let is drip a bit and now it just has to dry--24 hrs better be enough!