Friday, October 27, 2006

light'em if ya got'em

Two 7ish lb briskets are now officially smoking. They've been rubbed, aged and plugged in(?). I have always smoked my beef with the lovely charcoal smoker I was gifted (RIP...sorry Gretch his legs were broken-- we had to shoot him) with almost a decade ago. Today, for the first time-- I use my new electric smoker...soaked the wood chips, and turned it on...MUCH less fuss that trying to use the lump charcoal as the heat source. I just plugged it in. The little red arrow lit up. Drove Peanut to school because it is RAINING (of course if I am throwing a party it must be crappy weather) and left it on Medium which had no effect in 10 minutes so I jumped it up to high--wonder how long till we see a temp increase??