Thursday, October 26, 2006

Commercial Television

When I was a kid we had three channels at our house. NBC, ABC and CBS. Oh and PBS--but once you outgrew Sesame Street there wasn't much there. The commercials were spaced about every 15 minutes and allowed for things like getting more popcorn from the big bowl, which was close to Dad. Or maybe taking a quick whiz between cartoons. As I got older things like boys and homework took precedence over TV. Then came cable. NO commercials!! I clearly remember the whole idea of cable tv was we paid for it so it had NO COMMERCIALS!! The first "music television video" I remember was Tom Petty's Alice in Wonderland -- the one where he is eating a piece of her torso? Grossed me out.

DH and I joined the sheep like masses last night to satisfy our LOST addiction. We stared at the boobtube. Please note Constant Reader, that until last night I had watched a grand total of about 10 hours of non sports/cartoon/DVD related commercial TV in the last year. It should be noted also that Season One & Two of Lost were enjoyed en masse via boxed sets and marathon viewing. I was incensed! The IDIOTS. I was mortified. There was no regard for narrative thread. Suspension of disbelief is hard to maintain when I am being told to buy a toothbrush, a Lexus or a cheeseburger. Do the producers realize this is a cliff hanger? Are they aware that one needs to be able to concentrate on the plotline? Friends will know--I have ranted about station ID logos and crappy graphics (let's not forget the glo puck!) during my hockey games--the infiltrating little previews and stealth commercials that scroll tickertape style across the bottom of the ice. Usually when the puck is under the boards. But last night was a failed experiment. It's itunes from here out. yeah, we did DVR the epi while we were watching but ya still lose something important. One can accidently FFWD thru Jon Stewart, back up and still get the joke. But man-- jumping in and out of a story line makes me even more crazed than I usually appear. I hereby proclaim. I TV. I would rather pay itunes the buck ninety nine to just have quick fade to black breathes-- than get told to get an American Express card every 30 secs. I swear at one point a "batch" of commercials ended, there was about 45 seconds of program and then immediately..MORE COMMERCIALS! ABC can smell my stinky panties.