Sunday, October 08, 2006

Woe is me

The diff I think, between a professional writer and my current state of affairs is that: a.) they get paid ( I used to...) and b.) they get things done in a timely manner. For example, I am currently reading a marvelous book called The Shakespeare Wars, written by a gent named Ron Rosenbaum. It is reviewed in today's NYTimes Book Review. That means that (Mr. Perfect) Walter Kirn has already finished reading the book and then (I assume re-reading while taking notes--then generated a draft and then shipped it to his editor and then rewrote the draft and got the puppy into the freaking NYTIMES. Not only did they accept it and print it, but he has prly already spent the money on skinny lattes and bagels-- meanwhile...I am on page 196 of 573! I haven't even finished reading it. Okay I did waste a lot of time walking the dog, doing laundry and grocery shopping--but how do people do this?? Really?? where and when do they find the time? My kids have decided I am "cranky" and I haven't even finished a MS in two years. Gack. I am depressed. A certain "gazelle-like" Prof. I know just admitted he isn't holding up his end of a co-authored book he is working on. (--and he presented part of it at the WMU Medieval Studies Conference last year!) sigh...mebbe more coffee?? less blogging?? Less Janet Evanovich?? What? How do I do this?? *huge sigh*