Saturday, October 14, 2006

specific gravity

Okay, I confess-- we may have gotten a tiny bit carried away last night. Pete and Rollo got the mead out of the closet and then stuffed it right back in again! We got to playing w/the hydrokerplop-o-later. They tested the new mead and it had a reading of 1.127 compared to a bottle of Rollo's finished yum yum good mead which had 1.106. well as long as we had the toys we may as well play right/ So we tested some other types of liquid we just happened to have on hand. Red wine=.995 w/ an alcohol content of 15%. My beloved woodchuck pear cider was 1.024 on the specific gravitas w/ just 4% booze level. The Johnny Walker Red that Chris left behind proclaimed 40% booze and read lower than the thingy would measure, as did the ginger vodka (see footnote) The schnapps had 27% alcohol and hydrokerplopolation of 1.052. Rollo claims pure ethanol is .79. Despite our rather strong but delish! ice cream and baileys blender drinks (see 2nd footnote) Carol and I did our best to clean up the test subjects!

1. Trex do not panic. The Thor's hammer was unharmed in the ginger vodka experiments. Just clinging to the groovy bottle cuz It reminds me of *you* ~eyelash flutter~ BTW the results of the early (pre blog mind you!) spring ginger extravaganza??..tastes like soap.
2. Yummy drink recipe: 2 c. frozen vanilla yogurt, 1&1/2 c. Bailey's Irish Cream, 2 c. Calder's Chocolate milk. Whir in blender. Add straw. giggle madly.