Saturday, October 07, 2006

Beowulf and Grendel or MST 500K

About all I can really say is thank Wodin it was free! My advice is to rent the DVD. Prepare to giggle. It may have been the running wise cracks from the audience (Marty Shictman Theatre 500ad!) but there was little suspension of disbelief. Probably due to the ponies and Selma the hottie seer (who to quote the woodchuck/gopher thing from the Disney Winnie the Pooh cartoons..."I'm not in the book".)
I think the best way to critique this is a list of the good things about this movie.
1. Charlotte came out to play!
2. Garth and Kassia were here!
3. His Grace Elihau is rapidly becoming my favorite movie shredder upper!
4. Arianna called Sanjay on her phone (I didn't have mine)!
5. I got the first pint of the last keg of Oberon at Sidetrack. Again the seasonal change rears it ugly head.

Now to ensure balance we must discuss the negatives.
1. Biggest problem was Grendel cutting his own arm off while he hung inside the hall.
2. Okay maybe the witch was a problem.
3. Fantasy garb on the queen. Elizabethen? Byzantine? Padme? What was she wearing? ack
4. They cut her awesome speech when she thanks Beowulf for being a "man"
5. NO DRAGON!!! dragon... ):

bleh--silly movie-- at least there weren't any puffer fish envenomed blades! (See Tristan and Isolde)